So I did a thing. I took a little hiatus. I didn’t intend to, I intended to run this livestream every Monday forever. But then the kids came home from camp. And I’m not saying I can’t do things when my kids are here because that’s not at all true – they aren’t toddlers, for goodness sakes.
But here’s the truth. It’s that they aren’t toddlers. I don’t have to interrupt my work day for them, I get to. It’s no secret (even to them) that when they were little I found motherhood difficult, challenging, some days downright exhausting. I’ve always loved my children, but some days between the carpools and the potty accidents and the interrupted napping and the whole “they’re too young to use a knife and make their own food” thing, it was just really one of the hardest (though most rewarding) jobs I’ve ever had.
But now. Now they are older. They are independent (one’s even driving). And… the oldest is about to leave home. Just this week she hit “send” on some of her college applications. And though I’ve always been the parent who couldn’t wait to get them off to camp, knowing this is really the final year she’s home and that we’ll be a constant under-one-roof family of four, I feel like I just really want to spend as much time with them as possible. So once they got home, I decided to put the show on hold so we could do the things we needed to do, even if that were just doctor’s appointments. I just needed that flexibility.
Because they say women can have it all and I believe we can – but maybe not all at the same time.
So here we are, mid-September, everyone’s settled back into school and it’s time to dig back in and share some of my favorite content marketers, branding specialists, PR people, developers, and more with you. And who better to kick it off with than my guest for episode 26: Christine Gritmon?
Christine is a personal branding strategist and the host of the weekly tweet chat, #ChatAboutBrand (Tuesdays at 12 noon, ET). I daresay no one knows how to use these online mediums for branding as well as Christine. Her enthusiasm and excitement over what she does is truly contagious.
If you don’t follow Christine or participate in her tweetchat, it’s a good one with which to start (not to mention you’ll become familiar with her custom .gifs).
So tune in at our new time Monday, September 20th at 12 noon ET. Spend about 20 minutes with Christine and then I dare you to say red’s not your favorite color.
AND – the “plan” is to be live on Facebook, LinkedIn AND YouTube. We’ll see how it goes.