Picture this.
It’s early spring of 2020 and the trip is planned. I’ve never visited Italy and have always wanted to go. Right before the pandemic hit, my daughter was set to visit Italy early in June with my parents and nephew. And my husband and I were heading there in July. It was to be a magical summer.
And then March 13th happened and all trips were off.
But the one highlight I had through quarantine were all my amazing tweetchat friends I met. This, of course, includes my friend Teodora.
Teodora is a former journalist who traded adventure for the comfort of being her own boss. From 2018, she collaborates with Impressa Solutions, a team of word wizards, strategy sorcerers, and the bee’s knees of B2B. Teodora does content marketing, clarity coaching, and snazzy paper planners. A traveler at heart, she moved to Italy, where she lives the freelancing dream while enjoying good food and excellent wine. Teodora is passionate about content marketing and language learning.
So.. Italy is still on hold for me. Maybe next year. But meanwhile, I get to speak with my friend from Italy right here on Let’s Get Real. I can’t wait for this one. Something tells me we may have to have pizza for dinner that night!
See you live Monday at 10:30 EDT! Click here and be sure to join us.