
You don’t get all the jobs you think you should. And sometimes, that’s just fine.

Three weeks ago, this is exactly what I did. I’ve had a standard proposal template I’ve used for YEARS to present to potential clients. It had gotten stale and though the content of my pitch hasn’t changed all that much, the look and feel of it just didn’t work anymore (especially now that all pitches are virtual). The following week I pitched all week. I think I had seven pitches that week! So.. clearly… lots of businesses are realizing they need help to manage their social media and online communities. And we are here for them!

I presented one of those pitches to a woman I met through a mutual contact. She is a digital strategist and one of her clients is in the market for someone to be their online voice. We met again yesterday to see where things stood. And… there was good news and bad news.

The bad news is we didn’t earn the piece of business, not yet at least.

BUT the good news is what she said to me. She said out of all the candidates they met with my team was their first choice (both her and the client’s). She said we were the most professional and clearly had the experience needed to do what they needed. She said the examples I shared of our work told a great story, and that we clearly know what we’re doing.

It really just came down to budget. Her client is a brand-new product and they (rightfully so) are being very careful with their funds right now. So they are signing a short-term contract with someone who came in at a lower price and they’ll see where it goes. They may be back.

There was a time when not getting the piece of business would have left me deflated and sad and willing to go back and lower my price just to get it. But I’m no longer in that position and that’s a good thing. What’s even better is the woman with whom I was meeting was very clear she wouldn’t ask me to negotiate and felt we offered a fair price for our services. She understood that I know my worth and the value of the experience of my team.

And… she has other clients and now we know each other just a bit better, so you just never know where the future could go. Onward!



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