There’s a skill to taking on multiple voices. It’s a skill that comes with taking on multiple tasks. I knew it was time to start growing my team when the number of voices in my head (ie, the number of voices from which I was tweeting) got to about 7. Until then, I really was able to pop in and out of personalities throughout the day and make it work. I think that comes from bouncing in and out of roles throughout the day. I’m often told that I can multitask like none-other. But those who say that haven’t met my upcoming guest:
Melissa Zalkin Stollman.
Melissa and I met back in 1991 when she became my sorority big sister. Back in college, Melissa held two jobs, was president of our sorority and was involved in more volunteer activities than anyone could count. She went on to be come a Rabbi and she and her husband have settled in Parkland, Florida with their three kids (yes, there’s a set of twins in there). So… she’s a bit busy.
Several years ago Melissa called and asked for some guidance. She had several local businesses who had asked her to help them with their social media presence. She had three young children and a full-time job so, of course, she said “sure!”
Melissa has been assisting small businesses with their social media networking needs. By choosing to work with boutique businesses in a variety of spaces she can customize their graphics and messages to meet their target demographic – all while using their personal brands to promote their work, and her own voice to reverberate the message.
Meanwhile, she’s added a couple other “gigs” to her calendar over the past year. We’ll talk about how she keeps those voices straight, how she juggles it all and how she remembers when to pick up which kid and where on the show.
Join me Monday, January 18th at 10am Eastern live on my Facebook page. I guarantee a great time!