When people ask me how I got started in social media, I really have to go all the way back to the beginning of my career.
I won’t go back THAT far on this post because it’s about our guest, but I’ll go back to about 2006/7. Back then I was co-owner of an online deal-a-day website where my friend and I featured one cute item per day, focused on kids and babies, at a special “only-for-today” rate. One of the products we featured was called “Baby Fish Mouth” and it was a line of adorable onesies with movie quotes (see image… “He gave me a bottle I couldn’t refuse.”).
When that business made it full-circle, I called our vendors with whom I felt I had really come to know well to let them know, personally. Today’s guest, Danielle Hughes, was on that list. She told me she really liked the stories I wrote about her product, and maybe I should go into the sales-repping business. So I took a quick course in what that meant and immediately pivoted into becoming a sales rep.
This was 2008. Social Media was hardly a term.
One of my customers, a local retailer, asked if I’d help him on his store’s Facebook page. And, from there, the rest is history.
The point of this story is had Danielle never told me I was good at talking/writing about her product, I may not have made this turn and ended up here.
What’s more… I didn’t know at the time that Danielle (aside from being a master at turning movie quotes into cute baby onesie phrases) is a content writer. Her company, More than Words Marketing, is focused on the message a brand puts out. She helps her clients develop the message, the personality, the words, that make a brand who they are. She believes in authenticity and truth.
I’m so excited to have Danielle on the livestream Monday. It’s going to be a fun reunion. We hope you’ll join us at 10am EST right here.
Have a safe (hopefully warmer) weekend and we’ll see you then!