Welcome to the blog for 520 East Brands. I’m Shane, the CEO, and I’m pretty much always here (online, that is, talking to anyone in cyberspace who will listen). If you’ve looked around my website, then you know a bit about me and my company already.
Some want to know how I got into this whole “virtual screaming” business. Well… it started when I was a child. I was loud. I was often told by teachers, parents and friends, “sshh… I’m right next to you.” Couldn’t help it. My level of enthusiasm seems to overflow when there’s something I’m excited about.
So through the years, and through a few business ideas, I made connections with all sorts of people. Many of them had the guts, know-how and patience to manufacture products. I, of course, wouldn’t know the first thing about making an On Tray, or My Little Seat, or a watch specifically designed for nursing mothers.
But telling other people I know about these products? Well that’s easy. That comes naturally. I’ve always been that sort of person – I find something I can’t live without, and I tell everyone about it.
A few years ago, I logged on to Facebook and Twitter for the first time. Then I started learning about Linked In. And now I’ve taken the idea of telling people I meet on the sidewalk to telling people all over the internet about whatever it is I’m excited about. And they’re listening.
So this blog will bring you lots of information. I will provide details about some of the products I represent to boutiques, and will tell you about ways to get involved with some of the companies that do good for humanity – not just make a profit. I’ll also introduce you to the people I work with from 520 East Brands so that you can get to know all of us.
If I’m not online when you try to reach me, I’m either working out or reading with my children or spending time with my husband of almost nine years. But don’t worry… I’ll be right back.
For now, I wish you a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by!