
Since the end of 2008. That’s how long we’ve been at this. We pride ourselves on bringing a true, human voice to the brands we represent. We started this way and we’ll keep going this way. Because, as I reminded readers back in July, we’re focused on the “social” part of social media.

A lot of things have definitely changed since 2008… .we have to fight for eyeballs on our content, we have learned that running ads is a necessary evil (yes, we’ve seen The Social Dilemma). But through it all, we’ve remained steadfast in our belief that the only way to really grow a brand on social is to be… social.

Ok ok ok. I get it. I know my clients are watching numbers because they can… they believe that strong credibility comes from a good following. But this leads back to organic social. If you’re only putting out content with the intention of gaining “likes” it shows. If all you’re doing on Twitter is pushing out your own thoughts every couple of days (or, worse, auto-posting from Facebook)… why are you even ON Twitter for your brand? Get out there and speakĀ with people, notĀ at them.

Best practices for growing a brand’s presence on Twitter include:

  • Ask questions
  • Listen
  • Follow conversations via hashtags
  • Participate in tweetchats

Your voice must be real. You must be an actual human on Twitter and I really can’t say this enough. But this is true of all the platforms – yes, even Facebook. Make it your mission in 2021 to create content that offers great information, answers questions, solves problems and sounds like a real person wrote it.

Remember that not every piece of content you put out there is about gaining a “sale.” Creating a groundswell, a true community of raving fans for your brand is how you grow. You may sell something that your listener on social may never buy, but their neighbor might, and their sister might. So engage with everyone you can, earn their trust and build credibility as a human. This is how you create the kind of fans that lead to customers.

So while clients continue to monitor follower numbers, I continue to carefully watch engagement numbers, video views, shares and more quantifiable metrics that show me that the content we are creating and curating is worth the time for our community.

If all of this sounds like too much work for you to it into your day, then you might need to think about whether or not you should be engaging on all of the social platforms (or, you know, you might want to consider outsourcing to a team like ours).

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