Today I was asked an interesting question.
“Why don’t we offer services like web design and SEO at our company?” It’s a great question, and one that I believe actually sets our company apart from others. There are certainly larger firms out there – firms that can manage your entire digital marketing campaign A to Z. And for some companies, it’s beneficial to have that one-stop shop. Some agencies are large enough that they have departments to also handle public relations and advertising.
We’ve made a conscious choice not to take on these additional services. We take our online engagement seriously enough that we’ve built our entire agency on it. I believe that building a strong, true voice on social is a large enough task to keep us focused. And that’s what it is – it’s focus. We focus on listening and conversing with people as a brand. The social voice is a critical part of the branding process and marketing mix and we believe we are the best at being an outsourced voice for a brand.
That being said, we strongly believe that a good marketing plan is not just built on social – it incorporates many areas including those mentioned above. Fortunately for us, we work some amazing agencies who, like us, focus solely on their area and I believe them to be some of the best in the business. From web design and SEO to public relations and advertising, we’re happy to refer our clients to these great companies with whom we work regularly.