Please. Stop. Spam-tagging.

Please. Stop. Spam-tagging.

This is going to be brief. But it’s important. And it’s not new so I’m not even sure why I have to write this but here I am, writing it.  If you are a small business trying to attract new customers, here’s a great way to be unsuccessful: ...


I’m supposed to set an example and blog weekly. I tell my clients how important it is, so I’m supposed to be doing it too. But it’s been a rough couple of weeks and I haven’t had much to say besides just telling myself and my team to get...

Let’s get personal. Or not.

Every so often a topic of conversation bubbles up in the groups in which I participate with social media industry folks. Before I share that topic and you immediately make your opinion, let me start with an anecdote. Picture this. It’s 1995. I’m in my...
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