If you’re a person who dreads Mondays, allow me to try and change your mind. Mondays are the best day of the week. They set the tone for the week. And frankly, by Friday, I’m exhausted.
I think of Mondays the same way I think of a really hard workout – which I tend to do on Mondays. The above photo shows our 7-year-old lab, Gramercy, on our old treadmill. Since this photo was taken, we’ve invested in Peloton and our whole family has gotten on board (my 13-year-old and I are neck-and-neck in who has the most minutes this year so far but he’ll leave for camp soon enough and I’ll kick his tuchas).
I have a favorite trainer on the tread, Olivia. Sidenote: My family says I have to stop tagging her in my instagram stories. But I’m not going to. I’m a total fan. Every Monday I say “maybe I’ll just do a walking class, take it easy this week.” Or “maybe I’ll opt for a teacher with a lighter workout – maybe like Denis’ yoga class.” But every Monday I seem to opt for Olivia’s 45-minute bootcamp. I usually start by saying, “if I have to walk instead of run, that’s ok.” But her workouts get me so motivated (and maybe I feel like I’m letting her down if I walk) so I stay with the recommended speeds and I end up having the best workout of the week. Add strength training to that class and I’m ready to go by the end of the 45 minutes.
So I think of my Mondays as those workouts. I may start off the morning saying “I’ll take it easy today, find some downtime in my day.” But once I get moving, there really is no stopping me. Mondays always involve checking weekend results, making sure the team has what they need for the week, checking emails from clients to be sure nothing has changed from last week, insuring our content calendars are full and ready and, of course, developing tracks to find and close new business. Monday sets the course for the week. By Friday, I can look back and see how much I’ve accomplished and, yeah, by Friday I’m usually walking on that treadmill (last week I actually tried the beginner classes on the bike – a whole new thing for me).
Here’s the secret: I go through my emails Sunday nights. I can’t actually start my week on Monday if I’m really starting Monday. But getting that head start Sunday clears my inbox, my desk and my head and gets me ready for whatever comes my way Monday morning – and there’s always something (yes, even today).
But first, I get through the boot camp and it gets me ready.
Have a great week, everyone!